Sunday, October 30, 2005

Thanks for your analysis of Nicky Cruz and El Salvador. It did seem strange to bring that up but I understand it when you want to look at healthy models of the church "being" the church in this economic issue stuff. I know you are a proponent and so I am to a large degree of the "change coming missionally from within" rather than simply trying to crack away the fabric of the large structure. It is also true what you analysis points out that dealing with the poor and valuing them more than other groups can have a great affect on culture and that is scary. We don't want the rich to become poor if we crush them. However, I think a bit more faith is needed to trust that if we deal well with the poor as individuals, the church and as larger structures (government and large corporations) that God can help make all of that work out. We definately don't want to put down one group in order to raise up another. In the racial and gender stuff this past century has done some good but also at the expense of the other, at times. I know many men who feel emasculated by the feminist movement. I for one am glad for the feminist movement but I also see the downside of women being raised up at the expense of men (as an example).

Thanks for your stuff on N.T. Wright and the State. Such good stuff (I forwarded that link to my friends). I also liked your inclusion of Foster's stuff on Simplicity. I definantly think we should continue along the lines of our discussion this past week. In terms of economic justice in the u.s we should have categories for personal responsiblity as well as group or macro areas of responsiblity. I think that much of the Kingdom stuff in scripture is both micro and macro in its dealing with sin in our lives and our culture. Jesus wasn't afraid to move against institutions of power.


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