Monday, November 07, 2005

I liked what you had to say, Paul. I, too, wonder if we can get involved in the super power structures of this world as Christians knowing that they oppress many. I wonder how to avoid it, though, and make any practical difference. I also liked your link to Babel. It is interesting that when God's people were trying to reach and usurp Him, he then scattered them. And now historically it seems we are trying to once again be one and many are grasping at power to attain some world order. I also, though, see in much of the Apostle Paul's writings that "there is no longer Jew nor Gentile... Slave nor Free" etc. So in some sense God does have the power to topple the barriers we have created both spiritualy and socially. I am just not sure how that plays out in larger world politics. For Paul Rome was the center of the world and all powerful. I wonder what he would say today?


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