Monday, November 07, 2005

Comments from Paul to Erin

Hey, I didn't get to view your blog until today. I think relating to the apostle Paul was key because he lived in an environment which definitely wasn't very coddling to Christians. Also I had to laugh a little when you called this nation a "Christian nation", which I know you did facetiously. I always chuckle whenever someone refers to it as that. All one would have to do is pick up a newspaper to see that we are not a "Christian nation." Also, I believe that in the O.T., God was extremely upset at the way His people were treating others. God brought Israel into captivity partly because they were causing other nations to blaspheme the name of God. The other nations were pointing their fingers saying, "Those people think that they are followers of God, but look at what they are doing." The church needs a definite wake up call to their followers. I think that nations usually always have their own self interests at heart, because either they want to maintain who they are, or they want to build themselves.


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