Monday, December 05, 2005

Justin, I am excited to see the work that you are doing over there at Harambee. My one question for the dead cat scenario is this, did the first cat in Westwood get removed by people that lived there, or by the City. I have picked up dead animals, which needed to be removed many times before, as a police officer, especially a cat, because it is a house pet and is traumatic for children to see. I am not justifying the delayed response of the City, but I think this comes down to the other issue. There is a unhealthy reliance upon the government for assistance, that people won't even take a plastic bag and remove the animal if it is an inconvenience. This happened all the time when I worked for the government, because some people have a philosophy that the services provided by the city are "owed" to them, so they won't take initiative to "fix the problem." This also should be recognized by the church, so that we don't place too much emphasis upon governmental structures and forget that God wants us to be empowered ourselves, which is what it appears you are doing. I'll see ya' on Thursday.


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